Career Progression - Not just for employees

Over the past year we have commented and written aplenty on how the recruitment market has drastically changed; with unemployment hitting an all-time low of 3.6%, the lowest it has been since 1976, earlier on in the year, it’s no surprise that our jobs as recruiters have become a little harder. The market is currently very candidate driven with fewer available candidates out there, meaning it’s vital companies now must focus on staff retention, and an excellent way to prove to your existing staff members you want them to stay is to invest in their career and give them clear progression routes.

Many employers hear progression and see this as extra work; it means negotiating pay rises, additional in-house teaching, expensive training courses and the dreaded regular appraisal chats. But, investing in your current employees’ progression can only be a good thing, particularly at the moment.

Chatting regularly with employees and holding appraisals on a semi-regular basis not only gives staff the opportunity to air any concerns and discuss progression plans it shows as an employer that you care and you are invested in bettering the business. Employees who are given clear progression routes and the opportunity to talk regularly with senior management are more likely to stay in the company for longer, meaning cutting down on recruitment costs.

Having clear processes in place for progression will help minimise the time and effort it takes for internal moves to take place and having regular staff/employer discussions will make it easier to identify internal successors to fill more senior roles which can often be harder to fill. When having these chats with your employees encourage them to identify a 1, 3 and 5 year plan so you can realistically identify if you are able to fulfil these plans.

No business can be successful without an effective, happy workforce – to have your team be invested in your business you must be invested in them first.