Leap Ahead this Leap Year

Unhappy in your job? You don’t have to be – take the leap this leap year!


Are you fed up in your role but find yourself coming up with excuse after excuse as to why you shouldn’t leave? Don’t worry, you aren’t alone. The thought of looking for a new position can be daunting and scary but it doesn’t have to be, here at JR Personnel we pride ourselves on being approachable, friendly and confidential and here to help you find your dream role and get you out of a career rut. Have a read below and see if these excuses apply to you!

“I won’t find another job easily”

Get yourself out of that negative mind set and start thinking positively! A discussion with a recruitment consultant can really open your eyes to how valuable your experience and skills are and give you a realistic idea of what is out there job wise.

“I bet things will get better eventually”

And things “might” get better, that colleague who doesn’t pull their weight might pull their socks up, that manager you hate might leave and you might finally get recognised for the extra hours you put in…But it might not.

Registering with an agency means you can see what other positions are out there and get insider knowledge on companies before committing to even applying for another role, don’t base your happiness purely on hoping things will change, do something about it today!

“I will lose all my current job perks”

Sometimes changing roles can mean that you have to take a pay cut, take a drop in responsibility and other perks such as additional holiday days you have accrued over time but have a good think about if it’s all really worth it. We spend the majority of our time in work, how much is your happiness worth?

If you are unhappy in your current role and considering a change why not use the additional day this year to dust off your CV and register with us on 01509 211211 or by emailing your CV to [email protected] we are here to help.